Christine Neill

Associate Professor of Economics
Wilfrid Laurier University

75 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3C5
Tel: (519) 884-0710 ext 2469


2006 PhD, Economics, University of Toronto
1999 MA, Economics, University of Toronto
1996 P.G. Dip. International Law, Australian National University
1992 B.Econ. (Hons I, University Medal), University of Queensland, Australia


2012- Associate Professor, Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University
2006‑2012 Assistant Professor, Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University
2005/06Lecturer, Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University
1996‑1998Senior Research Officer/Acting Executive Officer, International Economic Policy Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
1993‑1996Graduate Economist/Senior Research Officer, Australian Treasury


Working to pay for school: tuition fees and students’ paid employment. Education Economics, 23(1): 101-121

Delivering Government Grants to Students Through the RESP System: Distributional Implications. With Azim Essaji. Canadian Tax Journal, 60(3): 635-49

Can Infrastructure Spending Reduce Local Unemployment? Evidence from an Australian Roads Program. With Andrew Leigh. Economics Letters, 113(2): 150-153

Do Gun Buybacks Save Lives? Evidence from Panel Data. With Andrew Leigh. American Law and Economics Review, 12(2): 462-508

Tuition Fees and the Demand for University Places. Economics of Education Review, 28(5): 561-570

Do Gun Buy-backs Save Lives? Evidence from Time Series Data. With Andrew Leigh. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 20(2): 145-162


Natural Resource Shocks, Labour Market Conditions, and Post-Secondary Enrolment Rates. With Michal Burdzy, in Finnie, R., R. Mueller, M. Frenette and A. Sweetman (eds) (2010), Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions, Queen’s University School of Policy Studies: Kingston

Remain, Retrain or Retire: Options for older workers following job loss. With Tammy Schirle, in Abbott, Michael G., Charles M. Beach, Robin W. Boadway and James G. MacKinnon (eds) (2009) Retirement Policy Issues in Canada. Proceedings of the John Deutsche Institute Conference on Retirement Issues. John Deutsche Institute/Queens University Press: Kingston


What You Don't Know Can't Help You: Lessons of Behavioural Economics for Tax-Based Student Aid. CD Howe Institute Commentary No. 393 (November 2013).

The Generosity of Student Financial Aid Programs in Canada and their University Enrolment Effects. With Costa Kapsalis. Report prepared for Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (April 2010).

PSE Switchers and Stickers: an analysis using the Youth in Transition Survey. With Jean Eid (WLU). Report prepared for Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (April 2008).

Can we say whether the Canada Millennium Scholarship bursaries have affected post-secondary enrolments? Paper prepared for Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (March 2007)

Canada’s Tuition and Education Tax Credits. Millennium Research Paper No. 30. Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation: Montreal. (May 2007)

Working Papers / Work in Progress

Full-day kindergarten and children's academic outcomes. With Jean Eid and Phil Leonard

Intergenerational transmission of education among Aboriginal Canadians. With Joshua van Loon

Labour market effects of full-day kindergarten. With Elizabeth Dhuey and Jean Eid

Universally Subsidized Day Care and its Effects on Youth Crime Rates: Evidence from Quebec. With Kirsten Saguil

Student loan limits and educational outcomes. CLSRN Working Paper No.4 (September, 2007)

Tax expenditures vs budgetary expenditures for Canadian post-secondary education . With Azim Essaji. LCERPA Working Paper 2010-3 (November 2010)

Grants / Awards

2011-13 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant: Learning and full day kindergarten (Principal Investigator; Jean Eid, co-investigator)

2010 SSHRC 4A Grant, WLU

2006 Canadian Labour and Skills Researcher Network Grant, “Student loans and university enrolments in Canada”


EC140 Introductory Macroeconomics (Winter 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011)

EC228 Educational Economics (Fall 2005; Winter 2007)

EC246 Positive and Normative Aspects of Income Distribution (Winter 2006; Spring 2010; Winter 2011; Fall 2013)

EC247 Historical Development of the International Economy (Spring 2015)

EC328 Education Economics (Spring 2009; Spring 2014; Spring 2015)

EC481 Honours Research Paper and Seminar (Fall 2005; Winter 2007; Winter 2008, Spring 2011, Spring 2014)

EC681 MABE Research Paper and Seminar (Winter 2013, Spring 2015)

IP601 Public Economics for International Policy (Fall 2014, Fall 2015)

IP631 Economics of Human Security (Winter 2008)

IP634 Human Security Seminar (Winter 2008)

Professional Affiliations

Canadian Economics Association

Canadian Women’s Economics Network

Economics Society of Australia (Qld)

Public Economics Data Analysis Laboratory (PEDAL), McMaster University

Education Policy Research Initiative (EPRI)

Laurier Centre for Economic Research and Policy Analysis (LCERPA)

This page is maintained by Christine Neill